“Let’s Keep Talking!” event
Winspire National Women’s Network’s “Let’s Keep Talking!” event on March 31st was another big event for our women’s professional network. In celebration of Women’s History Month, we hosted a live presentation to celebrate women’s achievements and hear the personal journeys of women with inspiring careers. These talented, resilient women shared their stories by presenting both in-person and through video call, so we could have a hybrid experience to reach as many community members as possible.
We received wonderful feedback from our online and in-person attendees. What I heard was…
"I am so happy I showed up to this event.”
"We think it's so important to have a part two and invite students from colleges and universities. Young people who are stuck really need to hear stories like this.”
"I was contemplating whether I wanted to come or not. I wanted to hear the women's stories and I was so happy I muscled up the courage to come out to this space.”
Those in attendance said "It was such a motivational space. I am feeling so motivated with human connection after no human contact for two years!”
"I heard words of inspiration and motivation. I loved their stories. I feel blessed coming here.”
"We need more of this in the Scarborough community. We need to see a lot more professional ladies like the ones we were seeing here tonight.”
"I feel safe in this space.”
"How soon can we have part two?”
"Andrea, we want to help you put on the next event in Scarborough and we want to look for sponsors for you. We can't do this alone. We have to do this together.”
Attendees felt the speakers were very approachable. They could approach, talk, and speak with them about anything. The topics truly resonated with everyone. Attendees felt the speakers’ messages and took the important lessons with them.
Winspire National Women's Network inspires women to reach their full potential by empowering them with the tools and self-confidence they need to succeed. By connecting like-minded women, we aim to foster an environment where they can network, mentor, learn, grow, and promote their success. We will help women build confidence, share their stories, find mentors, and expand their professional careers. Join us as we reimagine the future for women. If you have not registered, you can register for free at https://bit.ly/3wZsxNm to stay updated on what's next.